
Driving your fleet and energy management

Driving your fleet and energy management


Renault Trucks offers Optifleet, the ongoing "turnkey" fleet management support solution designed to steer your decision-making and reduce your operating costs. By monitoring vehicles and drivers, you manage your activity in real time and control your primary expenditure items by having ongoing supplies of relevant information. 

Picto Optifleet

Your vehicles remain connected to the Optifleet portal at all times, wherever you are. You can access it by using this address or the Optifleet App, the mobile fleet management tool. 

  • Get a quick overview of your fleet's situation, vehicles and drivers
  • Manage unforeseen events smoothly and assign missions swiftly 
  • Keep in close contact with your drivers throughout their assignments
  • Never lose sight of your driver's performance via Eco Score
  • Inform and share information about potential improvements with your drivers and instructors

The Optifleet solution is made up of the following 3 modules: 

Monitor your fuel consumption and save money
  • EcoScore makes driver performance assessments based on a score of 1 to 10 related to driver quality and vehicle. It also makes comparisons with previous periods.
    • Technical data per vehicle and per driver monitored remotely (fuel consumption, consumption in the green zone, percentage of time spent idling, brake activation frequency, etc.):
    • Optimise consumption by analyzing driving performance and identifying drivers needing to upgrade their skills
    • Promote your good drivers' results.
    • Reduce vehicle maintenance costs by improving vehicles' usage.  
  • Get alerted to significant variations in fuel tank levels
  • Keep your environmental reports up to date (carbon dioxide, NOx, etc.).
  • Receive your reports automatically via different email addresses on a weekly and/or monthly basis. 
MapTraffic Truck Restrictions
Optimize your deliveries with real time fleet location
  • Locate your vehicles in real time: location, vehicle speed and direction, fuel level, driver's name and driver card status.
  • Analyze your vehicles' journey log.
  • Optimise your journey routes to avoid “parasitic” kilometres.
  • Give customers access to the vehicle's geolocation (location only).
  • Make the most of positioning reports every minute or even more accurate tracking and tracing (MAP +).
  • Create up to 1,500 geo-barriers (crossing alerts) in the form of circles, routes, borders, etc. (MAP +).
Map Truck Position Info
Stay compliant with driving regulations
  • Monitor driving and resting in real time according to regulations (European regulation 561/2006).
  • Programme and download data from the tachograph memory and the driver card remotely.
Drive Times of the day

Get in touch with us if you have any further questions about Optifleet. 

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